Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My new recipe for pasta!

The best part of today was making my new pasta dish for dinner. Now I didn't create it, but I did cook it and it was WONDERFUL! It's called Sweet Sausage Marsala, and can be found on Allrecipes online. Now I didn't have any marsala handy, but I did use my open Pinot Noir and it was great! I served it over angel hair pasta and Bob just raved over it. My house smelled wonderful. Click below for a link to this wonderful recipe. Try it yourself, and let me know how it goes.


I'm on a goal to try new recipes each week, and trying to find more dishes to add to my monthly dinners. I really like to cook, and baking is what I LOVE to do, but I need to cut out my baking in order to lose some weight. Bob and I both need to drop some pounds.

Tomorrow is pork night and our wonderful neighbors, Kevin, Christin, Wyatt, and Grace plus Buster are coming for dinner. I so enjoy having them over, and they are always game for a new dish!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Coupons & the search for a good toilet paper deal..

Well, I've decided to join a coupon club after being introduced by a neighbors daughter-in-law to the "coupon hobby". I've been clipping some coupons and using them at the local stores, but I've never saved more than $10 at a time. I'm hoping that I can find a really good deal on toilet paper for free or for mere pennies as this seems to be the one item my house goes through quite a bit. Bob states that I'm the problem with toilet paper, and he's probably right.

I've spent most of the day on the website and online looking for "freebies" and any free coupons. I'm just concerned that some retailers won't take an online coupon that's printed off. It could be a duplicate of a coupon and not the real thing. I guess I'll just have to try.

Well, I'm off to buy some more newspapers and to get my coupon stash bolstered by all the new ones that came out today.